
Полный веб и мобильный дизайн 2021: UI/UX, Figma, +многое другое [Andrei Neagoie,Daniel Schifano]

Тема в разделе "Курсы по программированию", создана пользователем shiokuo, 16 окт 2020.

Цена: 799р.-69%
Взнос: 240р.

Основной список: 12 участников

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  1. 16 окт 2020
    shiokuo ОргОрганизатор

    Полный веб и мобильный дизайн 2021: UI/UX, Figma, +многое другое [Andrei Neagoie,Daniel Schifano]

    Курс на Английском языке, присутствуют английские субтитры
    23,5 ч видео по запросу

    • Создавайте красиво оформленные веб- и мобильные проекты для своих клиентов, используя современные инструменты, которые будут использоваться ведущими компаниями в 2021 году.
    • Найдете работу дизайнера или станьте фрилансером, который может работать где угодно и для кого угодно. Дизайнеры пользуются большим спросом!
    • Включает в себя более 100 ресурсов и премиальных шаблонов дизайна, которые вы можете сохранить и использовать для настройки для всех ваших будущих проектов.
    • Освойте Figma для своих потребностей в дизайне, а затем научитесь преобразовывать свои проекты в живой HTML-сайт и CSS-сайт.
    • К концу курса получите великолепное дизайнерское портфолио, настроенное и профессионально завершенное (мы предоставим его вам!)
    • Освойте принципы веб- и мобильного дизайна и научитесь переходить от эскизов к полноценному высокому качеству дизайна, который поразит клиентов
    • Научитесь разрабатывать для всех типов устройств с помощью Figma и других инструментов, используемых некоторыми из ведущих дизайнеров мира.
    • Научитесь использовать HTML5 и CSS3, чтобы оживить ваш дизайн и создавать полностью работающие веб-сайты.
    • Изучите лучшие практики, на изучение которых уйдут годы в индустрии дизайна.
    • Научитесь делать профессиональные логотипы и выбирать дизайн для всех потребностей брендинга
    • Изучите лучшие практики UI / UX, используя последние тенденции в отрасли
    • Научитесь быть дизайнером и веб-разработчиком одновременно (редкое сочетание навыков, которое очень востребовано)!
    • Никаких требований. Мы научим вас и покажем все с нуля! От нуля к мастерству
    • Приготовьтесь влюбиться в дизайн и превратить все, к чему вы прикасаетесь, в красивые проекты на всю оставшуюся жизнь!
    Только что запущен со всеми современными инструментами дизайна и лучшими практиками на 2021 год! Присоединяйтесь к живому онлайн-сообществу, состоящему из более чем 350 000 студентов, и к курсам, проводимым отраслевыми экспертами, которые действительно работали как в Кремниевой долине, так и в Торонто для ведущих компаний. Хорошего дизайнера становится все труднее и труднее найти, и нередко можно найти дизайнеров, которые получают зарплату более 160 000 долларов, потому что это очень ценный навык. Мы научим вас, как туда добраться!

    Используя новейшие передовые практики в веб-дизайне и мобильном дизайне, а также в пользовательском интерфейсе и дизайне пользовательского опыта (UI / UX), этот курс направлен на то, чтобы эффективно довести вас с нуля до точки, когда вы можете получить работу или выиграть контракты с фрилансером. Мы будем использовать востребованные инструменты, такие как Figma, чтобы показать вам полный рабочий процесс от начала до конца. Выпускники курсов Андрея сейчас работают в Google, Tesla, Amazon, Apple, IBM, JP Morgan, Facebook и других ведущих технологических компаниях.

    Курс также включает более 100 ресурсов и премиальных шаблонов дизайна, которые вы можете сохранить и использовать для настройки для всех ваших будущих проектов. Мы гарантируем, что это наиболее полный онлайн-ресурс о дизайнерских навыках!

    Учебная программа будет очень практичной, поскольку мы проведем вас от начала до конца работы в качестве дизайнера, вплоть до изучения того, как создавать окончательные профессиональные проекты, а затем преобразовывать их в реальные веб-сайты или приложения с использованием HTML и CSS.

    Для кого этот курс:
    • Любой, кто хочет начать бизнес в области веб- или мобильного дизайна в качестве фрилансера или работать дизайнером в компании.
    • Веб-разработчики и разработчики мобильных приложений, желающие добавить еще один ценный навык в свой набор инструментов
    • Всем, кто хочет работать веб-дизайнером, мобильным дизайнером, UI / UX дизайнером.
    • Всем, кто хочет узнать о последних функциях CSS3, таких как Flexbox, CSS Grid и CSS-переменные, а также HTML5.

    В спойлере оригинал темы на английском языке

    Complete Web & Mobile Designer in 2021: UI/UX, Figma, +more
    Become a Designer in 2021! Master Mobile and Web Design, User Interface + User Experience (UI/UX Design), HTML, and CSS

    Чему вы научитесь

      • Build beautifully designed web and mobile projects for your customers using modern tools used by top companies in 2021
      • Get hired as a Designer or become a freelancer that can work from anywhere and for anyone. Designers are in high demand!
      • Includes 100+ assets and premium design templates that you can keep and use to customize for all your future projects
      • Master Figma for your design needs then learn to convert your designs into a live HTML an CSS website
      • Have an amazing design portfolio customized and professionally completed by the end of the course (we provide it for you!)
      • Master both Web and Mobile design principles and how to go from sketching to fully fledged high fidelity designs that will wow customers
      • Learn to design for all types of devices using Figma and other tools used by some of the top designers in the world
      • Learn to use HTML5 and CSS3 to make your designs come to life and create fully working websites
      • Learn best practices that takes years to learn in the design industry
      • Learn to make professional logos and design choices for all branding needs
      • Learn UI/UX best practices using the latest trends in the industry
      • Learn to be a designer as well as a web developer at the same time (a rare combination of skills that is in high demand)!

      • No requirements. We teach you and show you everything from scratch! From Zero to Mastery
      • Get ready to fall in love with Design and making everything you touch into beautiful projects for the rest of your life!
    Just launched with all modern Design tools and best practices for 2021! Join a live online community of over 350,000+ students and a course taught by industry experts that have actually worked both in Silicon Valley and Toronto for top companies. A great Designer is becoming harder and harder to find and it isn't rare to find designers make $160,000+ salaries now because it is such a valuable skill. We will teach you how to get there!

    Using the latest best practices in Web Design and Mobile Design as well as User Interface and User Experience Design (UI/UX), this course focuses on efficiently getting you from zero to a point where you can get hired or win freelance contracts. We will use in demand tools like Figma to show you a full workflow from start to finish. Graduates of Andrei’s courses are now working at Google, Tesla, Amazon, Apple, IBM, JP Morgan, Facebook, + other top tech companies.

    The course also includes 100+ assets and premium design templates that you can keep and use to customize for all your future projects. We guarantee you this is the most comprehensive online resource on Design skills!

    The curriculum is going to be very hands on as we walk you from start to finish of working as a Designer, all the way into learning how to create final professional designs and then converting them into actual websites or apps using HTML and CSS.

    The topics covered in the course are...

      • 00 Web & Mobile Design Principles + Design vs Web Development
      • 01 GETTING STARTED – Sketching, Inspiration + Structure
        • 1. Sketching
          • Intro to sketching

          • Sketching UX flows

          • Sketching tips
        • 2. Inspiration
          • How to stay inspired

          • How to find inspiration online
        • 3. User Flows
          • What are user flows?

          • The do’s and don’ts

          • Speeding up our workflow with components

          • Creating our own user flows (Registration) Part 1

          • Creating our own user flows (Search) Part 2

          • Creating our own user flows (Checkout) Part 3
        • 4. Sitemaps
          • An intro to sitemaps

          • Creating a basic sitemap

          • What you should be doing before you start

          • Creating a sitemap (part 1)

          • Creating a sitemap (part 2)

          • Tips for getting started
      • 02 EXPLORE AND ITERATE – Wireframes, Prototyping and Feedback
        • 1. Wireframes
          • What is a wireframe?

          • How do I create a wireframe?

          • Speeding up your workflow in Figma

          • Creating our home page

          • Creating a product page

          • Creating a checkout page
        • 2. Prototyping
          • Prototyping basics in Figma (Device + Triggers)

          • Prototyping basics in Figma (Actions)

          • Prototyping basics in Figma (Overflow)

          • Prototyping basics in Figma (Presentation + Collaboration)

          • Linking together a quick user flow in Figma

          • Working on small interactions with Figma
        • 3. Getting feedback
          • Why is feedback so important?

          • How to get constructive feedback
      • 03 VISUAL DESIGN – Design Theory + Accessibility
        • 1. Grids + Spacing
          • Spacing and Grid Basics

          • Responsive Grids in Figma

          • Creating our own grid in Figma

          • The rules of the grid
        • 2. Typography
          • Typography basics Part 1

          • Matching typefaces to an era

          • Typography basics Part 2

          • Selecting the right typeface

          • Typography basics Part 3

          • Picking a typeface

          • Does your typeface suit your scenario?

          • Expanding an existing type system

          • Choosing typefaces in Google Fonts

          • Narrowing down your typography choices

          • Creating a type system in Figma
        • 3. Color
          • Color Schemes

          • Important questions to ask before picking colors

          • Helpful tips for creating color palettes

          • Creating a monochromatic color palette

          • Applying a our simple color palette

          • Expanding a strict color palette

          • Creating our own color palette
        • 4. Forms + UI Elements
          • What are UI Elements

          • Best practices Part 1: Forms

          • Best practices Part 2: Inputs Part 1

          • Best practices Part 2: Inputs Part 2

          • Best practices Part 2: Inputs Part 3

          • Best practices Part 2: Inputs Part 4

          • Best practices Part 3: Buttons

          • How to create components in Figma

          • Using atomic elements in Figma

          • Using Instances in Figma

          • Editing instances to create new components

          • Using constraints to create responsive components

          • Creating a registration form in Figma
        • 5. Imagery + Iconography
          • Resources and techniques to create great visual assets

          • Working with photos in Figma Part 1

          • Working with photos in Figma Part 2

          • Working with illustrations in Figma

          • Using Figma plugins to find Icons quickly

          • Creating our very own custom icons
        • 6. Accessibility
          • What is accessibility?

          • Assistive technologies

          • Visual patterns for accessibility (Part 1)

          • Tools to make your design accessible

          • Visual patterns for accessibility (Part 2)
      • 04 DESIGN EXPLORATION – Application Design + Design Systems
        • 1. Design Patterns
          • What are design patterns?

          • Why are design patterns valuable?

          • How to apply design patterns

          • Analyzing design patterns together

          • Dissecting and choosing design patterns together
        • 2. Mobile Design
          • Mobile design best practices (Part 1)

          • Mobile design best practices (Part 2)
        • 3. Applying Visual Design
          • Design Fidelity

          • Style exploration (Navigation)

          • Style exploration (Cards)

          • Style exploration (Interests)

          • Style exploration (New elements)
        • 4. Motion
          • The importance of motion

          • The purpose of motion

          • Intro to Smart Animate

          • Showcasing the power of Smart Animate
        • 5. Microinteractions
          • What are microinteractions?

          • Why are they so important?

          • Creating our own microinteractions (Part 1)

          • Creating our own microinteractions (Part 2)

          • Using Figmotion (Part 1)

          • Using Figmotion (Part 2)
      • 05 PUTTING IT ALL TOGETHER – Using our Design System and Hi-Fi prototyping with Figma
        • 1. Design Systems
          • What is a design system?

          • Foundation (color)

          • Foundation (grids and spacing)

          • Foundation (typography)

          • Foundation (iconography)

          • Components (buttons)

          • Components (Inputs)

          • Components (cards)

          • Recipes (card layouts)

          • Recipes (search)

          • Recipes (orders)
        • 2. Final Compositions
          • Using our design system (Search)

          • Using our design system (Product Description)

          • Using our design system (Cart)
      • 06 FROM FIGMA TO WEBSITE (take a Figma design and convert it to a live website using HTML and CSS)

      • 07 HTML + HTML5

      • 08 CSS + CSS3 - CSS Basics, CSS Grid, Flexbox, CSS Animations
    This brand new course will take you from the very basics where we talk about principles and fundamentals of graphic design, all the way to creating beautiful products, learning about UX/UI and interactions, and creating a full design process for you to use with all of your future projects and clients. We pretty much cover it all so that the next time you are in charge of designing a product you have the step by step outline and guide to work as a professional designer.

    We are going to teach you the skills that will allow you to charge a lot of money for your time. Not to compete for a few dollars an hour on some random freelancing websites. The goal is to give you the skills of a top designer, and along the way, we are going to design an actual product for a company that you will be able to add to your portfolio.

    This course is not about making you just watch along without understanding the principles so that when you are done with the course you don’t know what to do other than watch another tutorial. No! This course will push you and challenge you to go from an absolute beginner to someone that is a top Designer that can get hired! Design is a valuable skill that doesn’t get outdated easily like most technical skills. Trends change, but the skills and fundamentals you learn in this course will take you many years into the future.

    This course is for you if:
    - You are a complete beginner looking to become a designer and freelance

    - You are a designer who is looking to charge more for your work

    - You are a developer who is looking to improve their design skills

    Taught By:

    Andrei is the instructor of the highest rated Development courses on Udemy as well as one of the fastest growing. His graduates have moved on to work for some of the biggest tech companies around the world like Apple, Google, Tesla, Amazon, JP Morgan, IBM, UNIQLO etc... He has been working as a senior software developer in Silicon Valley and Toronto for many years, and is now taking all that he has learned, to teach programming skills and to help you discover the amazing career opportunities that being a developer allows in life.

    Having been a self taught programmer, he understands that there is an overwhelming number of online courses, tutorials and books that are overly verbose and inadequate at teaching proper skills. Most people feel paralyzed and don't know where to start when learning a complex subject matter, or even worse, most people don't have $20,000 to spend on a coding bootcamp. Programming skills should be affordable and open to all. An education material should teach real life skills that are current and they should not waste a student's valuable time. Having learned important lessons from working for Fortune 500 companies, tech startups, to even founding his own business, he is now dedicating 100% of his time to teaching others valuable software development skills in order to take control of their life and work in an exciting industry with infinite possibilities.

    Andrei promises you that there are no other courses out there as comprehensive and as well explained. He believes that in order to learn anything of value, you need to start with the foundation and develop the roots of the tree. Only from there will you be able to learn concepts and specific skills(leaves) that connect to the foundation. Learning becomes exponential when structured in this way.

    Taking his experience in educational psychology and coding, Andrei's courses will take you on an understanding of complex subjects that you never thought would be possible.


    Daniel is a design leader in tech with extensive experience in helping startups build and iterate on their products. Daniel is passionate about teaching and empowering designers and working with other disciplines to build purposeful products that meet both user and business goals.

    His approach to design is always thoughtful and iterative. Daniel often finds himself working collaboratively with his team whether that is sketching concepts and flows or leading design strategy with team leads and external stakeholders.

    Daniel is a multi faceted designer who’s expertise expands across multiple design disciplines. This includes User Experience and Visual Design, User Research, Product Strategy, Lean and Agile Design Methodologies and much more. HIs work has helped to shape different solutions for a variety of industries such as housing, blockchain and health.

    When he is not building products, Daniel has spoke and mentored at different meetups and events. He aims to give back to the design community that he has learnt and continues to learn so much from. Daniel aims to always help, teach and support other designers in their careers.

    See you inside the courses!

    Для кого этот курс:

      • Anyone who wants to start a Web or Mobile Design business on the side as a freelancer, or work as a designer at a company
      • Web Developers and Mobile Developers wanting to add another valuable skill to their tool belt
      • Anyone who wants to get hired as a Web Designer, Mobile Designer, UI/UX Designer
      • Anyone who want to learn about the latest CSS3 features like Flexbox, CSS Grid and CSS Variables as well as HTML5

    Последнее редактирование: 24 окт 2020
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